Tuesday, February 14, 2006

thoughts at night

apple blossoms

One becomes a woman not only in relation to men, but in relation to other women as well

I have not failed because I am not always kind; I still love, however imperfectly.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

karen inc.

Proudly celebrating 24 years of quality horseshit.

faux cyanotype 3

Monday, February 06, 2006

who wants to go back in time?

aged newspaper ad

This is a long-held fantasy for me. My dreams came closer to becoming reality when I found this want ad on the bus. I just hope we don't run into any Morlocks. Also, Guy Pearce should be shot so he can't do the crappy remake of the classic -- but only after he's made Memento. Shit, this is getting complicated...who's game?

Friday, February 03, 2006

what to do when you're sick

sinister duck

You have a gazillion school-type things you should be doing, but you just can't bring yourself to tackle any of it due to a wicked chest cold.

So instead you:

  • go to your favourite french cafe with the basque flag in the window and eat buttery, heaven-sent croissants and lattés
  • snuggle under your fleecy blanket with gobs of tea and a good book (Try not to be depressed at how many books you've read from Oprah's Book Club list -- you picked them before they were trendy! 100 Years of Solitude -- case in point!)
  • take dozens of useless pictures of your rubber ducky in the bathtub
  • join your rubber ducky in the bathtub along with some steaming water and magnesium sulfate
  • read about old, obscure techniques
  • drink carrot-ginger-garlic juice (while making a face because you put in too much garlic)
  • fantasize about exciting adventures in distant lands
  • plan your future
  • listen to Deep Purple and David Bowie
  • play the piano for hours in your robe and slippys
  • do as much as possible that has no relation whatsoever to the zillions of school things you should be doing

dead duck (lomo fake)
dead lemon (plucked)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

welcome to the end

planes, trains, and skyscrapers

Just watched The End of Suburbia. More like The End of Civilization. I don't know what humour these so-called 'critics' are talking about (other than James Howard Kunstler's reference to a nation of clusterfucks). We are all going to die.

Happy February.